Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Galatians 5:1, 13-25 - Rotten Fruit

(Reflecting on these verses in Galatians 5 this morning, I recalled this devotional I wrote in July 2007.  As I look back over the years that have passed since its writing, I can remember a lot of times where I felt strongly connected to God and His guiding Spirit. There were also times when my life’s choices, including the Rotten Fruit in these verses, have made it nearly impossible to discern the voice of The Holy Spirit for months at a time.
In chapter 15 of John, Jesus says: “Remain in me, and I will remain in you.  A branch cannot produce fruit alone but must remain in the vine. In the same way, you cannot produce fruit alone, but must remain in me.”
In our blogs, tweets, and fervent discussions there is a tendency to become self-righteous in our arguments and beliefs.  There is so much as stake when it comes to the health and effectiveness of the modern church and as a result, passion for God’s Kingdom can quickly become a misguided journey where we find ourselves walking alone without the Holy Spirit present.
I am re-posting this devotional in hopes that it will remind me to stay closely connected to “The Vine” every day.  It is my prayer that God will be my Guiding Spirit at all times so that I can bear the fruit he would have be bear.)
Key Verses:  (NCV)
ü  1:  "We have freedom now, because Christ made us free.  So stand strong.  Do not change and go back into the slavery of the law." - Paul summarizes his argument by suggesting that once we turn to Christ we should not go backwards.  Our lives are changed by our faith in ways never achievable by simply following the law.
ü  13:  "My brothers and sisters, God called you to be free, but do not use your freedom as an excuse to do what pleases your sinful self.  Serve each other with love." - We are given a wonderful vision of God's kingdom but this does not provide us Carte Blanche to act self-righteously.  Love for others is our guiding principle.
ü  17:  "Our sinful selves want what is against the Spirit, and the Spirit wants what is against our sinful selves." - A battle rages within.
ü  19-21:  "The wrong things the sinful self does are clear: being sexually unfaithful, not being pure, taking part in sexual sins, worshiping gods, doing witchcraft, hating, making trouble, being jealous, being angry, being selfish, making people angry with each other, causing divisions among people, feeling envy, being drunk, have wild and wasteful parties, and doing other things like these.  I warn you now as I warned you before:  Those who do these things will not inherit God's kingdom." - Paul is holding a mirror that reveals a somber truth.
ü  22-23:  "But the Spirit produces the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control." - These are the guideposts that can be seen along our pathway to holiness.
Points to Contemplate:
Are you making excuses?  Are you stepping on toes as you push through your agenda in the name of Jesus?  Has your passion for His kingdom created a bull-in-the-china-closet approach in your ministry?  Have you enjoyed being righteous?  Are all of your actions acceptable simply because you feel you are responding to God's vision and plan for your life?  Is your ministry so important that the end justifies the means?

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