Friday, January 9, 2015

Little Christs

“In the same way the Church exists for nothing else but to draw men into Christ, to make them little Christs. If they are not doing that, all the cathedrals, clergy, missions, sermons, even the Bible itself, are simply a waste of time.” by C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

In other words, if the church is not making little Christs of the people they draw into the church they are not doing their job.

How does this statement match up with the reality in your church?  Is your church focused on baptisms and conversions only?  Are your weekly messages always focused on Sin and Salvation and you never hear the phrase “Kingdom work”?  If so, then I think C.S. Lewis is suggesting your church is not doing their job.  Is your church focused on "discipling" Christians where adults spend season after season attending Bible study classes but the church membership is in decline and you have not had an adult baptism in 20 years; then, again, is Lewis suggesting your church is not doing its job?

In the early 2000s (and probably time and time again throughout Christian history) there was a focus on creating “Acts 2” churches.  The concept of home community groups, small groups, or life groups has spawned from the Acts 2 movement.  In one sense, the idea of community groups more accurately embraces the Acts 2 church- style where sharing life, resources, and love brings people closer together in Christ.  I applaud the value of small group life.  Everyone should experience Christ at this level. 

However, a question comes to mind as I read the C.S. Lewis quote.  Have modern churches abdicated their duty and responsibility of “making little Christs” by simply throwing the responsibility to small groups?  Has a division in the church developed where the “Church” focuses on drawing, entertaining and converting while leaving the hard work of implementation/spiritual-growth to the small group leaders?  Are the resources of the church being focused too much towards buildings, professional musicians, staging equipment etc., while the resources for spiritual growth are essentially non-existent?

C.S Lewis states “If they are not doing that, all the cathedrals, clergy, missions, sermons, even the Bible itself, are simply a waste of time.”  Is your church a waste of your time?  Is God being served as He should be served or would Jesus be tearing down the lights and sound systems in today’s cathedrals?

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